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 Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog

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   Active Member

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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 11:28 am


[Sniper Plugin v1.5]
Added Refill Blocking
Added !rail and !pic ingame comamnds. The player must be in base to use this command.
Sniper Maps v1.5 added.
Added Renegade Team
Updated Spectate Command
Pm logging enabled use brenbot to enable or disable logging features.
Added Reborns Console Commands.
Removed useless code.
New fds commands
Added Credit System
Updated Switches on maps with new script.
Added armor drops

[Sniper Plugin v1.2]
Config Settings added in Sniper.ini
No Reload
No Falling Damage
Sniper maps 1.2 Added
Added Serial hash outout
Added Hostname output
Added deathzones
Added admin feature for ssgm chat commands
Added Teamchange
Added Spectate

[Brenbot 1.6 Build 3]
[DATE]: 4/14/2010
Added Senior Mods
Fixed a crashing bug when someone joines with a special character.
Private Messaging logging
Added serial checking for muted players.
Updated Kill commands
Updated Config Settings and new messages.
Updated Hostbans

[Brenbot 1.6 Build 2]
[DATE]: 1/8/2010
Removed Renguard
Update Kill sound Plugin
Updated Serial Plugin
Update dnsban Plugin
Update BIATCH Plugin
Added New plugin that includes a lot of new commands.
Serial Logging Back in the server
Remade the 'game over timer' with a new time function.
Added Special Users
Added Untrusted players.
Updated Biatch
Updated Commands
!dnsban commands
And many more look at new commands section.
Updated Game Info

[Brenbot 1.6 Build 1]
[DATE]: 8/14/09
Disabled Renguard
Added owner mod satus
Added SSGM Plugin Support
Updated playerinfo
Added script version checking

[New commands]

!map -gets the Current map for IRC

!serverinfo - Gets server ip port and name

!bhscheck - checks bhs version for a single player

!teamchange/!tc - a new Team change system that properly works.

!fly - turns fly mode on for mod

!unfly - turns fly mode off for mod

!setpos - teleports a player to a position

!rghcheck - checks a player's data and looks to see if that player loaded RGH.

!setspeed - only for admins use !ss ingame to set your speed in spectate mode.

!bigheadcheck - checks for the .w3d files used for big head.

!bigbodycheck - checks for .w3d files used for big body.

!filecheck - checks a specified file in the player’s data folder.

!objectcheck - looks for objects.dbb in a player’s data folder.

!time - shows you current game time.

!dropweapons , !drop, - Drops all weapons besides the pistol.

!freeze - freezes a player

!unfreeze - unfreezes a player

!observer - puts any player in observe mode(Same as spectate mode).

!playerstats. shows player statistics.

!updateserials - gets all of the players serial and updates the player info.

!mute - Mutes a player from game chat and private messages. Serial checking added

!unmute - allows player to talk in chat and private messages.

!untrust - adds players to untrusted list they will be heavily monitored by BIATCH, added to cp watch list, and wont be able to get temp mod

[warning people that are untrusted may have problems with registering shots because biatch attaches a script to player that is suppose to help stop rgh aimbot.]

!trust removes player from untrust list.

!cpwatch - adds a player to the core patch watch lsit. It will check the players script version every time they join. cpwatch replaces cpban.

!cpwatchlist - view people on the cpwatchlist.

!delcpwatch - removes player from cpwatch list.

!getserial - Gets a players serial

!gethost - gets a players host

!kill2 - uses a fds console command to kill someone. The player will not know why they died.

!teleport - teleports a player to another player

!renteam - puts a player on the renegade team

!delrenteam - deletes the player from the renegade team.

!spectate - Puts a player in spectate mode.

!unspectate - Removes a player from spectate mode.

!website - output server website

!irc - output server irc

!tban - ban a player for a certain amount of minutes.

!manualban - ban a player if they are not in game.

[Special Users] [Commands only Special users can use]

!setjoinsound - sets a join sound for the special user.

!joinsound - plays special uses join sound for them-self.

!changecolor/!color - changes the users kill message color for the killing spree messages.

[HostBan Plugin 1.2]

[Date: 4/14/2010]

Added Secondary DNS lookup. Look in the HostBan.xml to configure it.

Fixed an output looping bug.

Fixed output messages.

Fixed a Database error.

Added ssgm plugin with some fds commands.

!gethost gets the specified players Host Name. (dns)
!getserial gets the specified players serial hash.

[Date: 1/8/2010]

Fixed gk121’s database problem. The nickname wasn’t being filtered before it went into the database.

Added a simple kick system instead of using kick ban.

Fixed the double bans problem.

Added option to auto kick players when there host name doesn’t get resolved.

Added dns and name lookup instead of just by name.

Host bans writes into the brdatabase banlog.



Writes a log in the brdatabase banlog use !logsearch to find it.
(Dns Ban)

Add / Remove or Search for Dns Ban

Usage: !dnsban

!dnsban search

Gets a dns ban from the database.

!dnsban del

Finds player name or dns and deletes it.


Writes a log in the brdatabase banlog use !logsearch to find it.
(Forced Dns Ban)

Forces ban a host even if it doesn’t exist in the database.


Gets a players dns and writes to the Host table in dnsbans database.


Output all Host Names associated with this player in the database.


Gets a players serial .

[Serial Banning]


Output all serial associated with this player in the database.

[Important Follow this when banning a player]

First Use !ban when you are going to ban a player.

If the player is not ingame use !manualban. Ban reason for manual ban can only be one word so your ban reason would be bh or rgh or This_player_cheats.

!ban bans players serial and ip. If someone evades this ban use !dnsban add.

If some how they evade the dns ban ban their ip range.

Only use !banip to ban their range as a last resort.

[Ip Database]

we can now accumulate our own ip database.

!totals - Get the stats for the ip database.

!ipsearch, !ips - search for ip from the db server.

!localipsearch, !lips - search for ip from the local database.

!localnicksearch, !lns - search for players nicks in the local database.

!nicksearch, !ns - search for players nicks in the db server database.

!commonnicksearch, !cns - gets common nick from ipdb server.

Commands Used when you private message the bot

!register (playername) (password)
!alias (existing playername) (password) (new playername)
!delregister (playername) (password)
!auth (playername) (password)
!joinchannel "makes the bot auto join the channels if it got kicked"

[Disabled Commands]

!auth2 - Disabled

!changecharacter - Disabled

!givepow - Disabled

!givecredits - gives a player credits Disabled

!givepoints - gives player points Disabled

!silentkill, !skill, - player kills themself.

!sspeed - Disabled

!cpban - Disabled
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Number of posts : 1613

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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 11:32 am

Where do you found it? When will it released?
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   Active Member

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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 2:05 am

contact General Blacky about that no other way
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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyWed Sep 28, 2011 3:47 pm

Bump: Sorry For the Bump... But did anyone ever get this from General Blacky?
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Number of posts : 1613

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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyWed Sep 28, 2011 6:59 pm

xnod wrote:
Bump: Sorry For the Bump... But did anyone ever get this from General Blacky?

yup ^^
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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyThu Sep 29, 2011 12:48 am

Is it ok if you upload this for me or no?
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Registration date : 2021-06-29

Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyWed Jul 28, 2021 12:48 pm

Is there a way to download this to or no?
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Number of posts : 343

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Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog _
PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog EmptyThu Jul 29, 2021 3:43 am

NodKing3000 wrote:
Is there a way to download this to or no?
i think no, is down(forever i guess), you can try to contact creator somehow, idk how
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PostSubject: Re: Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog   Brenbot 1.6 Build 3 Changelog Empty

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